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highest career divorce rate

Your career can play a huge part in your life, determining your income, calculating your free time and even sometimes working to shape your personality. As a result of this, it is perhaps unsurprising that some jobs have a much higher divorce rate than others.

Jobs with the Highest Divorce Rate

Here are the ten careers with the highest divorce rate as found by the 2010 study entitled “A Comparison of Law Enforcement Divorce Rates with those of Other Occupations”:

1. Dancers and Choreographers – Divorce Rate of 43%

This is a very competitive job and although a high degree of cooperation and teamwork is needed, so too are long hours and a constant need to improve. Often this job role demands outstanding performance in order to advance their career, which means that for many dancers and choreographers they can’t afford to be held back by their spouse. This is the highest career divorce rate by quite a big margin, so if you’re looking for everlasting love it may be best to give dancers and choreographers a miss.



unreasonable behaviour divorce

Going through the breakup of a marriage is never easy. It is a difficult, emotional and testing time under the best conditions, but can be made exponentially worse when filing for an unreasonable behaviour divorce.

This can make exchanges and proceedings complicated and uneasy for one or both parties involved, which is why it is always a good idea for you to seek professional legal help and advice.

What Constitutes Unreasonable Behaviour in Divorce? 

There are many reasons why you may file for divorce due to unreasonable behaviour, examples may include:

•    Domestic violence
•    Threatening violence
•    Verbal abuse
•    Emotional abuse
•    If one partner
       - is dependent on drugs or alcohol
       - is financially irresponsible
       - a gambling addict and has caused considerable distress
       - has had an affair or cheated on the other
       - refuses to discuss issues of the marriage
       - does not want to engage in sexual or physical relations More...

Gay marriages statistics

The Civil Partnership Act 2004, which came into force in December 2005, allowed same sex couples in the UK to register their relationship for the first time and have it legally recognised.

This gave couples who registered as civil partners a package of rights and responsibilities including the ability to apply for parental responsibility of their civil partner’s child and the full range of financial orders available to a married couple.

The Act celebrates its tenth anniversary in December 2015, so with that in mind, Howells Solicitors decided to research, highlight and examine some of the statistics and trends that have emerged over the past decade.

Civil Partnership Statistics


For many newly-engaged couples, the concept of a prenuptial agreement is probably the most unromantic thing imaginable. However, if you’re getting married then the topic of a ‘prenup’ is a conversation that’s well worth having with your future spouse.

There are plenty of pros and cons around prenuptial agreements, most of which are personal and need to be discussed between the two of you and an experienced family lawyer. But here’s what you need to know.

They’re not just for the rich

Prenups used to be solely used by the wealthy in order to protect their assets in the event of divorce. However, over the last few decades, prenuptial agreements have become just as essential for people.

After all, if you have worked hard before marriage, you’ll want to protect the assets that you spent years building up – whether you own 30k in savings or a £3m property. More...

mortgages and divorce

Nearly half (42%) of all UK marriages end in divorce. And perhaps the most stressful part of the divorce process involves the family home. 

What happens to a mortgage in a divorce?

What are your options?

1 – Keep paying the mortgage together

Even if you divorce, it’s possible to both remain named on the mortgage and keep making payments as you did when you were married.

Using this approach it’s best to agree to a set plan, to avoid any misunderstandings and disagreements further down the line. For instance, you could agree to sell the property on a set date in five years time when it has built up more equity. 

Many younger divorcees choose to opt for this if they’re committed to a fixed-rate mortgage or would face substantial early repayment charges.

2 – Selling up

This is often the most emotional step, and is less ideal for future divorcees with children, but selling a house after divorce is also one of the best ways to get a ‘clean break’ and allow both partners to move on. More...

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