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The financial disclosure process in divorce is a crucial aspect of the proceedings. It involves both parties signing a statement in which they provide a full and frank financial disclosure of their assets, liabilities, income, and expenses.

This information is used to determine the outcome of the divorce, including the division of assets and spousal support.

In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide on the financial disclosure process in divorce.


Has keeping up with the latest employment law developments fallen by the wayside amidst your summer holidays? Don’t worry – our team at Howells Solicitors has you covered with a roundup of notable legislative changes and updates from this past summer that employers should know.


If you have been injured because of someone else's negligence, you may be entitled to claim compensation for your losses. However, making a personal injury claim can be a complex and daunting process, especially if you are not familiar with the legal system. That's why it's important to get professional advice from a solicitor who specialises in personal injury law.

In this blog post, we will answer some of the most frequently asked questions about personal injury claims in the UK, such as:

  • Can I claim for an accident after 10 years?
  • Can I claim for an accident after 4 years?
  • Is a personal injury claim classed as income?
  • What happens if I lose my personal injury claim?
  • How much do personal injury solicitors charge?
  • Do you have to declare compensation to HMRC?


Every child will respond differently to the news that their parents are getting a divorce, and there are various factors that can affect their emotional response. The age of the child, whether they expected the news, and of course, just the nature of the individual child.

It’s important to put your child first during your separation from your partner, considering what they need most. Depending on your child’s age and circumstances, they’ll likely need different things from you, as well as varying degrees of understanding of the whole situation. The basic requirements between parent and child during a divorce, however, remain the same.


After years of campaigning by several notable individuals and organisations (with special mention to Anna Whitehouse, Pregnant Then Screwed, Working Families and the TUC) The Employment Relations (Flexible Working) Bill has now been awarded Royal Assent. This means the Employment Relations (Flexible Working) Act 2023 is now in force. The reform will reduce limitations on flexible working and make employment more accessible. It is our opinion that the reform will benefit both employers and employees.


With effect from 15th February 2015 EU Regulations on Consumer Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) allow consumers who bought our services online to submit their complaint via an online complaint portal.

We are required under the regulations to provide our clients the following information:-
  1. Link to the ODR platform - please follow the following link for further information (
  2. Our contact email address in case of a complaint under the ODR regulation – Andrea Coombes