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Spring has arrived, and with it so have the annual government revisions. As part of this, the government have announced increases to employment pay rates and a rise in compensation limits. These changes were announced by Chancellor Jeremy Hunt in his Autumn statement, and are due to come into action from April 2023.

Trainee solicitor Luke Bitti explains the details of these changes below.


Our legal experts from our Personal Injury and Medical Negligence departments are taking to the road to host a FREE legal advice clinic in the seaside town of Aberystwyth.


With effect from 15th February 2015 EU Regulations on Consumer Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) allow consumers who bought our services online to submit their complaint via an online complaint portal.

We are required under the regulations to provide our clients the following information:-
  1. Link to the ODR platform - please follow the following link for further information (
  2. Our contact email address in case of a complaint under the ODR regulation – Andrea Coombes