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We understand that getting married is a joyous occasion, but it’s also a time to think about protecting your assets with a prenuptial agreement. A prenup is a legal contract that outlines how assets and debts will be divided in the event of a divorce. It’s essential to consider a prenup, especially if you have a high net worth or own a business.

Before we continue, it’s important to note that the prenup should, at the latest, be executed at least three weeks before the wedding so there is no claim of duress. The parties should start the process months before the wedding so there is enough time to deal with matters.


Gaslighting is a term that many of us have come across regarding manipulation and vulnerability, but what is gaslighting abuse, and is gaslighting a crime?


With pet ownership on a particular rise in recent years because of the pandemic, and with is has been the rise of litigation following a divorce due to pet-related confrontation. To avoid these kinds of litigation, you might want to consider setting up a pet prenup at the time or marriage.

A pet prenup, however, doesn’t have to just ensure ownership for one party. You can also create a shared care arrangement for your pet following separation if one party is not willing to separate with the pet completely. Now, there’s no need for the daunting questioning of who gets the dog in a divorce – you can plan it all out long before the matter.


On April 6th, 2022, the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act came into force.  This introduced the concept of a divorce where no blame was attached.  The parties are now able to petition for a divorce on the fact that the marriage has irretrievably broken down due to irreconcilable differences.  In effect, this is a no-fault divorce.


Since 1929, the legal age for marriage within heterosexual relationships in England and Wales has been as young as 16 years old, as long as both parties receive parental or judicial permission. As of April 2022, this has legally been raised to 18. The minimum age is also currently 16 in Scotland, although there is no need for parental consent.

The bill aims to protect against arranged marriages and coercion into abusive relationships, which is a prevalent issue. In fact, over 25% of forced marriage unit cases in 2020 in the UK involved parties under the age of 18 (not including any religious or cultural marriages). UK law classes 18 as the legal age of adulthood physically, emotionally and mentally, meaning that marriage any younger than this legally involves a child.

The effects of early marriage have been in discussion for a long time and include the likes of lack of education, emotional adversity, and a lack of social and medical support for women. In raising the minimum UK age of marriage, there is hope of also directly combating some of these factors in young people. More...

With effect from 15th February 2015 EU Regulations on Consumer Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) allow consumers who bought our services online to submit their complaint via an online complaint portal.

We are required under the regulations to provide our clients the following information:-
  1. Link to the ODR platform - please follow the following link for further information (
  2. Our contact email address in case of a complaint under the ODR regulation – Andrea Coombes