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According to new analysis published this week by the Resolution Foundation, approximately one in twenty workers are not receiving any holiday entitlement, one in ten do not receive a payslip, and there are 200,000 identified cases by the HMRC of workers not receiving the minimum wage.

Those aged under 25 and over 65 were found to be the most likely not to be given a payslip and around one in six workers aged 65 and above have no paid holiday entitlement. Workers aged 25 and under are almost twice as likely to be underpaid the minimum age.

The hotel and restaurant sector have some of the highest rates of not providing their employees minimum workplace entitlements, and workers in small firms and those on zero hours or minimum contracts are most likely to miss out on pay slips and holiday entitlements.

Whilst the UK Government has increased the legal leverage available to HM Revenue and Customs, and the Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Agency, the emphasis still largely remains with individuals having to use the employment tribunal system to proceed with legal challenges. This has resulted in over 100,000 applications being made to the employment tribunal system in the last year.

Gemma Bailey, our Head of Employment Litigation and Disputes here at Howells Solicitors has commented on the finding of the Resolution Foundation report. She said:

“It is worthwhile noting that whilst there has been a significant increase in the number of individuals taking their employers to court, these are primarily managerial staff. The under 25s and over 65s are the workers who are least likely to use the employment tribunal system. It is important for firms, such as ours, help employees who may be unaware of their rights or perhaps lack the confidence to enforce them.”

Gemma’s department provides specific employment law assistance and advice for employees, whilst Bethan Southcombe, Head of the Employment Department and HR Business Services, is working with employers to help ensure they operate within the law and follow all relevant legislative procedures.


Want to Learn More About Legal Workplace Entitlements?

If you are an employee and are unsure if you are being treated correctly at work, or if you are responsible for employing staff and are keen to ensure your company is operating within the law, please get in touch to speak to one of our employment law experts.

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  2. Our contact email address in case of a complaint under the ODR regulation – Andrea Coombes