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There are some products that the modern homeowner simply cannot live without. Fridges, washing machines, dishwashers – collectively known as white goods - are staple members of most households. Unfortunately, nowadays what is also very common, is that when these products break, the default is to replace rather than repair. More...

In recent weeks, the government has announced a new building safety regulator that has the authority to prosecute any rule-breaking developers and manufacturers. This new regulator, when deemed fit to do so, has the power to remove construction products off the market.

Referred to as the Building Safety Bill, this also gives major national powers to the regulator to prosecute or use civil penalties against businesses that break the rules compromising public safety. More...

With effect from 15th February 2015 EU Regulations on Consumer Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) allow consumers who bought our services online to submit their complaint via an online complaint portal.

We are required under the regulations to provide our clients the following information:-
  1. Link to the ODR platform - please follow the following link for further information (
  2. Our contact email address in case of a complaint under the ODR regulation – Andrea Coombes