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When making a case, we believe it is important for our clients to have as much information as possible. So, in this post, Gemma Bailey, an Associate in the Employment Department at Howells Solicitors, shares the most common conversations she has with clients. She says: “If I were to tell you the top 3 things I say to my clients, it would be these.”


1. “What do you want?”

This is the single most important thing that I need to know from my clients.

Given the current situation, what would be the ideal resolution and why is my client looking for help from a solicitor to achieve it?

First of all, the answer to this question allows me to advise on whether my client’s expectations are realistic and achievable at all. Sadly, the answer to some problems is not always a legal one, but I firmly believe that part of my role as a trusted adviser is to work out from a very early stage whether I can help at all.

Secondly, if I understand my client’s current position and the desired result, I can identify a ‘road map’ of how to get there. There may be choices about the route we take, and different clients will choose different options, but this is part of getting to know my client and tailoring my advice to their particular needs and wants.

Thirdly, once my client is clear about the ‘what’ and the ‘how’, I can give a much more informed estimate of the likely financial implications, so my client can decide whether it is an investment they are prepared to make.


2. “There are no guarantees”

Generally speaking, clients come to me when they are upset with a situation at work and need help. One of the most fulfilling parts of my job is that, sometimes, my support is the difference between a person standing up for their rights and not.

It is a massive ordeal to be in dispute with your employer and I would love to be able to give my clients the comfort of hearing, “you are sure to win”, but in reality, this is a promise which I could not keep.

Unfortunately, when it comes to disputes, the hard truth is that the outcome is not guaranteed. What my clients can expect from me is straight advice, warts and all. If there are weaknesses with the legal issues, I believe that part of my role is to explain the risks I see and to balance them up against the strengths when advising on the prospects of success in a case. Ultimately, I am then able to empower my clients to choose the course of action which is right for them.


3. “Let the law follow the facts”

Things change. That’s a fact of life. The same goes for disputes and I think it’s important not to blindly follow ‘plan A’, because we may miss a golden opportunity to find a better method which wasn’t obviously available before.

Above all, it is important to ask me anything you are unsure about. One thing I have observed over the years is the worry about putting a foot wrong now there is a plan in place, but often (not always!) my answer is the same: “do what is best for you, and we will review the legal bit”.


Are You Considering Taking Legal Action?

To find out more about your rights and other need-to-know legal information, please get in touch with Gemma and our employment law solicitors in South Wales.


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