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Amanda’s Story


Tell us a bit about your background, where did you grow up? 

I grew up in Cardiff with my family and then from about the age of 11 we all moved to the Valleys. I had the typical Valleys childhood from then on; those who grew up there will know what I’m talking about. I am a very family orientated person, I always say friends and family first, and you could say that is my motto.

I would always take long breaks as a young adult. I’ve backpacked across Greece, Australia, Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore. I even worked as a Silver Service waitress on a cruise ship and carried out some seasonal work in Guernsey behind a bar and a kiosk. So, you could say that I am well-travelled.


What led you to the law, and then to practise in family law in particular?

Well, I love to know what I’m saying is right. Typical women, you could say, we’re always right. But I wanted to ensure that I was. I found my passion in law by knowing what I was learning was fact and I could use this to strengthen points.

I then landed my first legal role with Rhys Wood Terry within their immigration department; I aided with asylum cases and attended Home Office interviews. I felt that I really helped a lot of people.

I was offered a training contract, so I completed my LPC, but at the same time I stayed on the police station rota, so I could really put my study into practise. I also worked in retail selling carpets throughout my LPC, simply because I enjoyed working.

Once my LPC was complete, I was presenting at legal tribunals before I even qualified as a solicitor. I simply adored it. My time eventually came to practice in the area of family law, and well the rest is history. 



What are your ambitions outside of work?

I am quite sporty, in that I used to go to kickboxing and I absolutely love running. Running really clears my mind and lets me unwind from any stresses I’ve had that day. It’s like my therapy. In fact, I actually completed the Cardiff half marathon two years ago, and this October I am running it again for Welsh Women’s Aid - it really is a great cause and one that I am passionate about given my practise area. 

I also have my own passion outside of work whereby I signpost people on where to go after a relationship - no legal advice involved. It’s sort of aftercare for those who are really struggling and with no sense of direction in their own lives. 

Another association I like to be involved with is the CCHA, basically a housing association for people to move forward if they have been particularly reliant on their previous partner financially. Other charities I also love to help are Welsh Women’s Aid and Families Need Father’s. I am in the process of training to become an ambassador for Welsh Women’s Aid and have recently applied for Resolution membership. Along with the fact I qualified as a mediator in 2015, I guess you could say I like helping people move forward with their lives.

What are your ambitions inside of work?

I would love to branch out into international aspects of family law, so if people need legal advice with divorce proceedings or separations where they have either got married abroad and the other partner lives there and loses contact. I think cultures are mixing a lot more and I think it is amazing. We obviously need to cater to the demand of international separations and I would really love to develop my knowledge of this further and even practice internationally.

To keep my connections and networking for business purposes, I also attend the Cowbridge Business Club every month. This ensures I’m constantly meeting new people in similar and different business areas, and this really helps with branching out of my comfort zone. 


Why did you choose Howells?

Well, it’s clear, even from the charity Howells promotes and supports, Dreams and Wishes, that this is a very family-based business. I think it’s a great cause and I love that they have stuck and grown alongside the charity.

Read more: Howells is Keeping Faith with Charitable Purchase

I instantly felt welcomed with all the friendly staff members, but it still has a very commercially-minded structure. I feel in joining the Howells family that it really is the best decision I could have made for my career in family Law. 

Anyone seeking a new opportunity in their legal career, I would strongly advise getting in contact with the Howells team. The firm has an excellent training structure and flexibility that welcomes those who are hardworking and have a real passion for the law.


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