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gay marriages

Following their introduction in 2005, well over 120,000 people have entered into a civil partnership. However, the latest statistics show a considerable rise in the number of gay couples seeking a dissolution to their civil partnership. So, is the honeymoon period coming to an end?

Recent research shows that during the last year alone there was a 20 per cent rise in the number of gay couples seeking to dissolve their civil partnerships, only 8 years after their introduction.

Statistics from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) show that there were 794 dissolutions for the year 2012, of which 60 per cent were between lesbian couples.

These figures closely mimic the pattern found in heterosexual relationships, with the majority of divorces in England and Wales instigated by women.    

The number of civil partnerships since 2005 has greatly exceeded official estimations from the Government Equalities Office, which predicted that by 2010 there would be between 11,000 and 22,000 civil partnerships in Britain. In actual fact, at this time there were already more than 79,000, with no sign of a decline in this rate.

For the year 2012, a quarter of all civil partnerships occurred in London, whilst Brighton and Hove saw the highest number of same sex civil unions between females, with 101 partnerships registered.
Whilst those in a heterosexual relationship can file for divorce in any county court of their choosing, gay couples wishing to dissolve a civil partnership must file their proceedings in courts which have been nominated as specific dissolution courts.

Here at Howells Solicitors, our civil partnership team have experience in resolving financial concerns and providing the advice and assistance clients need to conclude matters. In any civil partnership dissolution we always encourage both parties to discuss matters or attend mediation. We can also negotiate with the former partner’s solicitors in an attempt to reach an agreement. If all else, we can then assist with making an application to the court.

by Richard Scott

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